I like drinking, I need no excuses for it. I smoke from time to time, anything will do as long as it comes with a hose and a bottle. Old rock and roll appeals to me, but only once in a while. The queen shall repair anything the stones have broken. With a soft layer of kashmir. I do not need to apologize for the things that I like because they have brought me as far as I am now. You need to build a strong pair of wings if you are going to burn a few bridges down.
Come on in, we have a freak show tonight, creeping underneath my skin, of course, but what about you? Are you feeling it already?
If you ever find yourself in the staggering situation of facing a rivalyou must always remember no one can touch whoever you are until you let them. Will you let them?
I am orchestrating a storm. It will be grand, I promise. It will be worth the wait, and it will come for you, too.
Oh, las furias.
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